Budget Linux Audio Studio Project

October 20, 2005

DAW - Ardour and Recording.

Ardour is now in it's 0.99 (which is thier fully functioning version). We used it last weekend to record the drum parts to 3 of the songs we're putting on the Green Letters next EP.

"Sweet Secret", "Eat at Joes" and "Carol and Me"

Carol and Me was interesting because of the fact that it is in both 5/4 and 6/4 (alternating). We were able to use Ardour to set the sections of the song that were 5/4 and 6/4 and Hydrogen to generate the drum part in both sections as well. I think we got some good takes of all three songs.

We prepared the room by removing all of the non-recording equipment / drums from the isolation room. We put the drums underneath the low ceiling. We put the Shure Mic package on the 3 toms, and just inside the hole of the kick and we put the overheads about 3 feet apart, equidistant from the snare, about 6 feet high and pointing at the hi-hat (OHR) and ride (OHL). We then took the Rode NT-1A and put it at the other end of the room way up toward the ceiling to get a nice room noise.

When we listened to the rode track, it sounded very good just by itself. We will definatly be trying a drum track using only that mic during the recording process.

Progress is being made. We are hoping to have the songs mixed by the time we go to the December 16th show.


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